Punctuation Perfection

Punctuation is a very important part of writing well in English. You need to know the punctuation rules in order to use all the different punctuation marks properly.

This site has lessons and tests for all the important punctuation marks. To start, click on the links below for the lessons.




Exclamation Marks


Questions Marks


In writing, punctuation replaces the body language and tone of voice used in speaking. 

For example, we can raise our vocal tone to show a question, where in writing we would use a question mark. A pause in speaking is shown by a comma in writing. Even when we shout in speaking, we can use an exclamation point in writing.

Using punctuation rules properly is important to become a good writer. Writing without correct punctuation is like driving without the street signs. Imagine no stop signs on the road?  Writing would be just as messy without periods.